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Class 2 - Term 6

Tuesday 21st July 2020


Well, this is it, it's the end of term, the beginning of summer. Of course it's not really goodbye, because I will see all of you next year, just not in my class. I will miss you all, but you are going on to bigger and better things, I am always next door, if you need a chat, or just to say hello.

Have a great summer, it will be a strange summer, as we can't do all of the normal things, we should be doing, but make the most of every opportunity.

See you all soon, stay safe.

Mr Brown.

Monday 20th July 2020


Hello only 2 days to go until Summer, hurray!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. Obviously, if we were in school, we wouldn't be doing much work, we would be finishing things off, having celebrations and other fun things. I looked after the year sixes, for their last two days of school last week. It was fantastic that they could at least say goodbye to the school and each other, not so great that no-one else was there. If you want to see their leavers speeches go to Mrs Haslam's page and follow the link.

You will all be happy to know that Graham Coxon is fine, he ( I am now sure he's a he.) is filling and still loving sitting on my shoulder. I will post a picture tomorrow.

The very short video I have posted today is of a very beautiful grass snake that my daughter found on our doorstep. 

Enjoy the sunshine.

Mr Brown.

Our Grass Snake

Still image for this video

Friday 17th July 2020


Good morning, the sun really is shining today, hopefully it'll stay like this all day.

So, Coxen has a cage now. I was thinking he/she would be flying away soon, but he/she seems to have upgraded. 

Our last underwater creature, that sometimes makes it's home under our seas, certainly surprised me. I did not know that leatherback turtles lived in Britain, but they sometimes do. So today's creature, the last of our topic, has to be the leatherback turtle. What do they eat? How far do they swim each year? Why do they come to Britain? I've also sent you a link,today, on how to make your own fish fingers. Maybe you can cook tea for everyone, always have a parent there when you are using the oven!

Have a wonderful weekend, and I'll see you for our last two days, next week.

Enjoy, stay safe, Mr Brown.



The leatherback turtle

Thursday 16th July 2020


Hello, good morning. Yes, I am well aware that my message, yesterday said that the sun was shining, and when I wrote the message, at 6.00am it was. By the time you had read it, it was raining!

So, it was great to see a lot of you yesterday, it's always a bit dicey on internet calls, but at least we got to see each other, which was great.

As Hugo inquired about Graham Coxen, the blackbird, I have sent you a short video of him/her ( still not sure!) having their tea.

Today's British sea creature is the sun fish. This is an odd looking creature that is very thin, but round a bit like a dinner plate, with fins! They are usually associated with warmer seas but are found around our coasts.

Stay safe, Mr Brown.

The Sunfish

(Graham) Coxen having his/her tea.

Still image for this video

Wednesday 15th  July 2020


Hello, how are you all? The sun is out and the birds are singing.

So, very exciting, I am going to get the chance to see you today. If the technology holds up, I'll be able to say hello, in person.

Today's, underwater creature that you might find around the coast of Britain, is the Harbour Porpoise. These beautiful creatures are found close to shore, in harbours, around Britain and are the smallest of the dolphin family. They are reported to be the fastest mammal around and have the nickname of puffing pig, ( I am sure they don't mind!)

Enjoy. Mr Brown

The Harbour Porpoise

Tuesday 14th July 2020.


Hello, good morning. I hope you are all well.

I am sat here in our old classroom, it's dark, quiet and bare. It really isn't the same without you guys in it.

Coxen, the blackbird, is doing fine, chirping away and trying to fly.

Today's British underwater creature is quite a sinister one, it's the weaver fish. This spiny little fish, lurks under the sand, with it's sharp, little fins sticking out waiting to pounce.

Stay safe, Mr Brown.

The weaver fish

Mr Brown and Coxon's weekly message.

Still image for this video

Monday 13th July 2020


For our last week of the under water topic, we are going to focus on the seas and ocean around Britain.

It's often hard to think of our seas teaming with life. Yes, maybe we've seen jellyfish or starfish, in a rock pool, or been lucky enough to see the seals, at Donna nook, but our seas have lots more.

Read through the slid show, to learn about our coast line and watch the fascinating video, about all the creatures you can spot.

I will be sending you a British sea creature, everyday, to finish off your amazing underwater fact files.

Today's creature is the might basking shark. The second largest fish in the sea, which you can spot off the coast of Devon and Cornwall.


I have also sent you some transition activities to help you think about our life in school, in lockdown and looking to the future when you will all be moving to class 3, after the summer.


If you want to continue your learning, during the summer holidays, then I've sent you some summer activity booklets. They are only there, if you feel the need to do some work.

Stay safe, Mr Brown


The Basking Shark

This is your last week of white rose home learning.

Don't forget to follow the lesson, on the website, then follow up on BBC bitesize, if you need extra. 

Don't worry if you can't print off the sheets, just write your answers in your books.


This week's wonderful work.

Friday 10th July 2020


Hello, how are you?


So yesterday, after many, many months, our class finally got a new board, hurray! Now, I know that you won't get the benefit from that, and believe me, that makes me sad, but at least you'll be able to hear it, a little, and Mrs Haslam's board is pretty swanky anyway.

Let me tell you a story. When I was 11, I went snorkelling, with my Dad. I had been a few times, with him and so he let me go on my own. He stayed on the beach, and I swam out to see what I could see. It was amazing, I saw moray eels, clams as big as me and hundreds and hundreds of brightly coloured fish. I was so excited, I lost track of time and just continued swimming. Then I saw them. Two beautiful, brown and white fish with spines sticking out in all directions, the lion fish. I knew, at that moment, I'd gone too far. These fish, as beautiful as they were, had very poisonous spines, and I panicked a little. I lifted my head out of the water and saw the tiny figure of my dad, frantically waving at me to come back to shore. 

As you can probably work out, everything was fine, I swam back, unharmed, but I will never forget those lion fish, my first encounter with a deadly animal, in the wild.

Enjoy, Stay safe. Mr Brown


The Lion Fish

Thursday 9th July 2020.


Hello, it's raining, again, so we may get wet doing our sports day activities, after all!

Today's coral creature is a gentle giant, it flies over the reef, with it's large wings. Like other giants of the ocean, blue whale and basking sharks, they eat tiny krill, whilst swimming with their large mouths open. They are the Manta ray.

Enjoy. Stay safe. Mr Brown


The Manta ray.

Wednesday 8th July 2020


Hello, are you all okay? How's sports day going? It's fun isn't it. I've been promised that there are no more wet activities, but as the rain pours down this morning , I think we'll all get wet anyway.

Today's coral creature is the leafy sea dragon. This is a relative of the sea horse and disguises itself among the coral and the seaweed. You can see, by it's picture, how it got it's name. They are one of the hardest creatures to spot, in the sea.

Have fun, stay safe.

Mr Brown.



The leafy sea dragon.

Tuesday 7th July 2020.


Good morning class two, are you all okay?

Did you all get wet, doing the leaky challenge? I did it, but Mrs Mathews' iPad had run out of charge, so there is no photographic evidence! Two more challenges today, what could they be?

Today's coral creature can be found lurking in rocks and crevasses. it is the mighty moray eel. These strange creatures look terrifying, they even have a second jaw! Oh yes, when one jaw grabs you their  pharyngeal jaw ( second jaw that lives in their throats) pops out to do more damage!

Find out what they eat, where they live and are they really that deadly?

Have a great day, stay safe.

Mr Brown



The Moray eel.

Virtual Sports Week - Day 1

Monday 6th July 2020


Hello everybody, I hope you had a great weekend.


This week is coral week. We are going to look at the animals that live of coral reefs. 

Our topic, this week, is all about the Great Barrier Reef, in Australia. You are going to look at it's wonderful divinity and construction as well as looking at the danger it is in due to over fishing, global warming and pollution. Work through the powerpoint, activity sheets and flip clips, each day, to learn as much as you can about this amazing place.

I will send you a coral reef dweller, each day, to help with your research.

In literacy, you are going to watch the fantastic story of Crabe Phare. Complete an activity each day, and enjoy.

Don't forget, it is sports week, so complete the daily activities and send your results to Mrs Haslam, each day, in order to gain team points, for your houses.

Today's creature is a dugong. They are sometimes called the sea cow and are found graving on sea grass in and around the great barrier reef, as well as other reefs, around the world. Can you find out the difference between a dugong and a manatee? Also can you think why sailors used to get dugongs mixed up with mermaids?

Stay Safe. Mr Brown

Mr Brown's weekly video.

Still image for this video

The Dugong

Topic work: The great barrier reef.

This week's literacy.

Some of this week's wonderful work.

Friday 3rd July 2020


Hello, are you all okay?


So, next week is sports day week (that sounds odd, but I'll go with it.) Have a look at the instructions, that Mrs Haslam has put on to the site and let's see who wins.

Today's crustacean is this week's last. Now, I could have gone for a lobster, or a shrimp but I couldn't resist the large and gangly spider crab, check out those legs! They are huge! They used to be bigger but they don't grow as big, anymore. What do they eat? Why are they so big? How many crab sticks could you make out of one? Ignore that last question, I don't think many crab sticks have been anywhere near a crab!

Have a great weekend. Stay safe, Mr Brown.

The spider crab

Thursday 2nd July 2020.




Raining, raining! What's going on? It's July! Ahhh, I get it, it should be Wimbledon, this week, it always rains. Never mind, wet playtime for us.


Today's crustacean is an odd, prehistoric being. People thought they had died out years ago, and were only found in fossils, but oh no, very much real and wriggling.

It is the horseshoe crab. Find out more.

Enjoy, Mr Brown.

The horseshoe crab

Wednesday 1st July 2020


Hello, are you all okay?


Today's crustacean is very small, has a cute name and is not often seen, as it is usually buried in rotting wood at the bottom of the ocean. It is called the gribble and, as it seems with all of our crustaceans, is a little odd. I had never heard of them, until I did my research, so I need you to find out more and let me know what you find out.

Stay safe, Mr Brown

The Gribble

William's fact file.

Tuesday 30th June 2020


Hello. Wow! it's nearly July, how did that happen?

So, we did our weekly family quiz last night, I was so disappointed. We had a round on birds, brilliant I thought, I'll do really well, but oh no. You should never have the same bird for two answers, it's just not the rules of quizzing! Anyway I lost out to my sister, because I couldn't name a character from Paw Patrol! Never mind.

Today's frustration of the day is another strange one. ( aren't they all a bit strange Mr Brown, I hear you ask?) 

It Is the yeti crab. Only discovered in the last twenty years, in the deepest parts, where no life was thought to live. I mean, did you ever think you'd see a crab with hairy arms? No me either.


Stay safe, Mr Brown

The Yeti crab.

Monday 29th June 2020

Hello, I hope you are all well.


So now we move on to Crustacean week. Crustaceans are a strange bunch comprising of crabs, lobsters and shrimps. They are hard bodied, as they have their skeletons on the outside.

Today's crustacea is the peacock mantis shrimp. This colourful chap looks fairly gentle, until you get to close, then BAMM! It has one of the hardest punches under the sea. Don't get too close!

Stay safe. Mr Brown

The Peacock mantis shrimp.

Mr Brown's weekly message.

Still image for this video



Watch the video- Something fishy.

Write me the story of what is going on, in your own words.

What could happen next? How do you think this has happened? 

Imagine that this had happened to you and write about your adventures, under the ocean in a washing machine, perhaps you meet a duvet whale or a tasseled t-shirt shark. It's up to you.





For your topic work this week, you are going to learn all about submarines.

Go through a powerpoint each day, learning about what submarines are, how they work and what materials they are made out of.

On Friday, try and make your own bottle submarine. You will need an adults help, as it can get tricky and some of the tools needed, need adult supervision.


Friday 26th  June 2020


Hello everybody. Well it's Friday again, the weeks are wizzing by.

I am loving the work you are sending, please keep it coming. I hope you are enjoying the sunshine, it's great to sit outside, but remember to be careful, drink lots of water and wear that sun screen.

So I thought, as it's Friday, and Shakespeare fortnight, I'd send you some more Shakespearian things to watch. Enjoy.

Today's deep sea creature is the Atlantic wolf fish. Scary looking isn't he!

Stay safe

Mr Brown


The Atlantic wolf fish

Thursday 25th June 2020.


Hello, good morning, are you well? Good.


So, did you try the writing challenge? Don't worry if you didn't, you can always try again today. Ronnie sent me his, in record time! I'll pop it on the website, for Monday morning.


Today's deep sea delight, is a curious little creature, called a sea pig. Their real names are scotoplanes and they move around on the bottom of the sea. What do they eat? What eats them? Where do you think they get their name from? What other sea creatures are they closely related to?


Have fun, stay safe. Mr Brown

The sea pig.

Wednesday 24th June 2020


Hello class 2, are you okay?

The weather certainly helps, doesn't it.

Today is national writing day, so underneath here is a challenge for you. Can you write a 24 word short story, starting with the words one day in 7 minutes? Have a look at the details on BBC Bitesize, and give it a go.

How are we getting on with this week's tasks? I am loving looking for deep sea creatures, and today's is a very strange beast!

It Is the oarfish. They are very long, live at 3000 feet and were once mistaken for sea serpents.

Find out some facts and add them to your files.

Stay safe. Mr Brown.

The oarfish.

Tuesday 23rd June 2020


Hello, how are you? Well it's hotting up outside, thank goodness. We can all get out and do our work in the sunshine. Don't forget your suntan lotion.

We have a month now, until our summer holidays, which will feel very much the same as now, but with a little less work.

I hope you all enjoyed the sad, little blob fish. Today's deep sea creature is the angler fish. This deep sea monster uses bioluminescence, to lure in unsuspecting fish into it's teeth filled mouth. Scary!

Stay safe and protected from the sun. Mr Brown.

The angler fish

Monday 22nd June 2020


Good Morning class two, I hope you are all okay.

As you can see we have a busy week ahead, so I'll let you have a look and discover what you have in store.


This week is deep sea week, so the creatures I'll be adding will all be weird and wonderful and come from the very deepest parts of the oceans.


Today' creature is the Blob fish. How do you think he got his name? What does he eat? Is he really as lazy as he looks?


Stay safe, Mr Brown.

The Blob fish.

Mr Brown's Weekly message.

Still image for this video

Literacy Week 4


This week you are going to investigate the great underwater explorer Jaques Cousteau.

I want you to work through the power point slides, taking notes about his fantastic life.

Go on to Kiddle, and see if you can find out any more facts about him. He did a lot of work on television, so there are lots of examples of his work on line. Talk to people in your house and see if they remember watching him on television.


When you have done your research begin to write a biography about him. Look at the success criteria, I have sent, to see if you are including all that I am looking for.


Then you can do the reading comprehension about explorers of the sea. Choose the best level, that suits you.

Success criteria

Science work week 4


This week is deep sea week. Each day I will be sending you a weird and wonderful creature, from the deepest, darkest, unexplored parts of the earth.

 In order to survive, in these hostile environments, some creatures develop bioluminescence. I want you to find out all about it. Watch the clip about it, then go through the powerpoint about bioluminescent creatures that live on land. Then you can watch the clip about the deep living oddities that live underneath the waves.

Each day, add these creatures to your fact files and include a report on bioluminescence.


This week's topic work.


This week I would like you to watch a lesson, that was linked to Blue Planet 2. 

It was a live lesson all about the oceans and how wonderful they are. It also talks about the impact we are having on our oceans and how they need our help.


I would like you to watch the video, then work through the power point and then complete the worksheets.


Friday 19th June 2020


Hello, good day to you all.

Well, I don't think I mentioned that it is Shakespeare fortnight, so I'll be sending you some clips, over the next week, to remind you of the work we did last year. It will be Midsummer, on Sunday, so I had to send you a short version, of my favourite Shakespeare play. Midsummer's day is the longest day with the most daylight. After that, the days will slowly start to get shorter.

Today, for your fact files, I want you to research dolphins, bottle nose, short beaked, common or pink river dolphins. Where do they live? What do they eat? Are they really intelligent? Could they be cleverer than you and I?

Enjoy, stay safe.

Mr Brown.



Thursday 18th June 2020


Hello, I hope you are all okay.

I am loving all of your work this week. It looks like we will have a few green Blue Peter badges, when we get back to school, fabulous! 

How are your fact files coming along? I love whales and dolphins, there is so much variety. Toothed whales, baleen whales, deep divers and surface players.

Today's whale is the might sperm whale. A huge and funny looking creature, that dives deep into the ocean looking for it's favourite cephalopod, to eat.

Don't forget the Times table masterclass at 10.30 today, it's good to keep practicing!

Enjoy, stay safe.

Mr Brown

The sperm Whale

Wednesday 17th June 2020


Hello, good morning, how are you? Good I hope.

I have just woken up all of my pets, they've all eaten and then slowly gone back to sleep! That's not fair is it, they have been a sleep all night.

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying the whales. One of my ambitions is to go whale watching, I think that would be amazing.

I hope you are all getting along with your maths. I have noticed, on some of the laptops in school, that the White rose videos don't always load properly. So if you are having trouble, you can always go to BBC Bitesize daily lessons ( the same as the literacy I send you, everyday.) These maths lessons are on exactly the same maths topic, everyday. 

Today's whale is the mighty humpback whale with it's huge mouth; long, arm like fins and it's knobbly head. Now you may have read in books that they carry snails, on their tails around the world, but I don't think that's true.

Enjoy, stay safe. Mr Brown

The humpback whale

Tuesday 16th June 2020.


Hello, good morning, are you all okay?


I went to my sister's birthday party yesterday. I say went, I moved to the living room, turned on my computer and saw the rest of my family. We had cake, a different one in each house, we sang happy birthday and we shared pictures. It was lovely, a bit weird, but lovely. I am sure most of you have had family members, or even yourselves, had birthdays in lockdown and I hope you've done your best to enjoy them.

I have added some more of your amazing work, that came in just after I'd uploaded this week's slide show. I am sure you'll agree, it's brilliant. I have also shared Lyla's picture of her green Blue Peter badge. She was awarded it last year, which is amazing. It shows that if you show that you are doing something worth while, for the environment, you too can receive a badge.

Our Whale of the day, today, is an Orca. Also know as the killer whale, these beautiful creatures are really the largest of the dolphin family. They are intelligent, live in pods and, if you are a seal, extremely deadly!

Stay safe, Mr Brown.

The Orca.

Some more work from last week.

Lyla's green blue Peter badge

Monday 15th June 2020



so, lots for you to be getting on with this week, so I won't prattle on!

This week's fact file is all about Whales and dolphins, hurray!

Today's sea creature is the largest that has ever lived! Bigger than any dinosaur, just massive. It is of course the blue whale. How big is is? What does it eat? Find me some fantastic facts about this wonderful creature. I'll give you one-It's heart is as big as a small car! Incredible.

Stay safe, Mr Brown.

The Blue Whale

Mr Brown's Weekly message

Still image for this video

Week 3 Literacy/ topic.


When I was your age, yes I know, a very long time age in the mists of time when television only had 3 channels and no-one knew what a wifi was, I used to watch Blue Peter, ( yes, its that old!) I always wanted a Blue Peter badge, a little blue ship on a plaque, cool. 

So, I happened to come across a song, recently, advertising the fact that you could win, not one, but six Blue Peter badges over the summer, and I thought of you all ( nothing to do with the fact that I am slightly older than fifteen and can't apply myself.)

The reason this fits in beautifully with our topic is that it is the green badge first and I wanted us to look at pollution in the ocean this week. So we combine the two, you can study the dreadful state of the oceans, create a poster, a poem and idea about saving the ocean, send it to me and Blue Peter and earn yourself my praise and your fist Blue Peter badge! brilliant.

I have sent you a resource pack and some information about the six badges of summer competition and the song that got me thinking.

Enjoy, and get those badges!

Green Badge

The oceans and plastic pollution.

Our underwater work this week.

Friday 12th June 2020


Hello, happy Friday.

Well, we've made it to the end of another week. Where does the time go? The weather is a bit grey today, I hope it warms up for the weekend. 

I hope you have loved researching cephalopods, they are strange but beautiful. I'd love a pet octopus, they are highly intelligent and love to play games but not great at sitting on your knee and I am sure I'd get some funny looks, if I took it for a walk.

Today, I would like you to choose your favourite. It could be the dumbo octopus, or the giant squid. You may love the nautilus or think that the blue ring octopus is the one for you ( small, beautiful but very poisonous!) You decide and let me know. 

Stay safe, Mr Brown.


Thursday 11th June 2020


Hello, good morning, I hope everything is okay with you.


How are we all getting along with the topic? I've seen lots of fact files and posters and biomes as wells a few poetry comprehensions, which are all great. I hope you are muddling through. Don't forget to take time to read and think and do other things. 

I have a recommendation for you. The BBC are showing a new program, called 'Celebrity supply teacher.' It's 10 minutes long, and has a famous person talking about a specialist subject. I think it's great, catch it on the iplayer.

Today's cephalopod is the last, there are only four types of cephalopod. It is the cuttle fish. Look them up and tell me all about them.

Speak soon, stay safe.

Mr Brown

The cuttlefish

Wednesday 10th June 2020



Where has the sun gone? I thought it would be sunny and warm today, instead it's grey and drizzly. Never mind.

It's very strange in school, without you. Our classroom is cold and quiet. It needs your buzzing excitement and enthusiasm to bring it to life!

So, if you thought the octopus and the squid were weird, they are nothing compared to the nautilus!

That is today's cephalopod-the living fossil the nautilus. They have been around for millions of years, and people thought they were extinct, but no, they are very much alive, swimming around in their beautiful shells.

Tell me what you think. I would like to see some pictures today, the shell of a nautilus is very special and their tentacles are a little crazy. Find out what they eat, how they swim and are they solitary creatures or do they swim around together?

speak soon, stay safe.

Mr Brown.

The Nautilus

Tuesday 9th June 2020


Hello, Good morning, are we all well?


So, it looks like it might be a lovely day, this morning. The sun is up and the birds are singing. 

Did you all get to see world ocean day's live lesson? We had some internet problems, but I'm hoping we can watch it later on in the week. There are daily activities on the site, for you to do all week, if you like.

Your cephalopod of the day today are squid. Be it the mysterious giant squid, with eyes the size of footballs, that no one has seen alive; or the see through glass squid;  to the scary sounding vampire squid, I want you to find out more. Where do they live? What do they feed on? Do they all glow in the dark? Do all squid taste delicious, in batter with a garlic sauce?

Have fun. Stay safe.

Mr Brown


The Giant squid

Monday 8th June 2020


Good morning and happy world ocean day. I hope you enjoy the live lesson, today. Don't worry if you can't catch it live, there will be a chance to watch it again, on the website. 

I hope you all had a good weekend. The weather was not great, was it?

So this week's sea creatures, for you to research, are the cephalopods. What are they, you ask. Well they are a special type of very intelligent, not at all bony, sea creature.

Today I want facts about- The Octopus. I love octopus, they are incredible creatures. Find out where they are found (I once saw one in the sea around Britain!); What different types of octopus there are ( they can't all be the same.); what do they eat and how can they get through such small spaces? They are an alien race that live beneath the waves.

Enjoy, Stay safe. Mr Brown

The Octopus.

Mr Brown's weekly message

Still image for this video

For your topic work this week I want you to work through the powerpoint below, looking at our wonderful oceans and answer the questions as you go.

Don't forget that Monday is World ocean day and there is a live lesson, for you to take part in at 10.00.

I've sent you the link again.


What we've been getting up to, this week.

Amber's Shark powerpoint.

Friday 5th June 2020


Hello, good morning how are you all?

Friday already, wow the weeks are going quickly. I know how much some of you are loving Shark week. With over 400 to choose from, it's not too hard to find some great ones to study.

Today's shark is a very mysterious, elusive shark. Not many people have seen them, they are very strange and nobody knows too much about them. Today I would like you to find out about the Goblin shark. Why do you think they are called goblin sharks? Where are they found? When were they discovered?


On Monday, it is World ocean day. There is a live lesson, for you to watch at 10.00. I'll send you the link today, so you'll be ready for it. 

MON 8th JUNE @ 10am: World Oceans Day Online Conference

Celebrate World Oceans Day this year with a special live broadcast highlighting some of the amazing species that live around the English coastline. The broadcast will be aimed at 7-14 year olds but is suitable for everyone.


Have a wonderful day. Stay safe.

Mr Brown.

The Goblin Shark

Friday Assembly - 9.30am 

Please have a look at this really important assembly on the NSPCC facebook page:


Thursday 4th June 2020


Good morning everyone, I hope you are okay.

I am sat here in school today, sending you your message. It's a very quiet place without you all. You are at home staying safe, which is, unfortunately, how it should be.

Wow, you do seem to be enjoying this topic, I've seen some amazing work already, keep it up and keep sending it to me.


Today's shark is a strange one. It's the cookie cutter shark, so called because the bite mark it leaves behind is the shape of a cookie cutter.

They are small and weird. find out what they eat, why do the have such large eyes and are they dangerous to us!



Stay safe. Mr Brown


Cookie cutter shark

Wednesday 3rd June 2020


Hello and good morning. Well the weather's a little different today! Where has the sun gone? Well at least all the plants will be pleased, I guess. I've seen some of your shark work this week, and I am very impressed. Your fact files are going to be amazing.

Today's shark is a bit different. Its the tasselled woobegoog, what a name! I want you to find out where they live; what they eat and how did they get such a strange name.

Enjoy. Stay safe.

Mr Brown.

The tasselled woobegoog

Tuesday 2nd June 2020


Hello welcome to Tuesday.

 I hope everyone is okay. I hope we are all settling back into our home schooling and the crossing over from separate year 3 and year 4 pages isn't too much of a change. All of the work from the last two terms, is still there, if you want to revisit any of it, or listen to any of the songs.


Todays shark of the day is the fastest shark in the sea, the mako shark. They are fab. do some research, and find out how fast they are, what do they eat, how many are left in the oceans.Draw me a picture and put it into your fact files.

Stay safe, speak to you tomorrow. Mr Brown

The Mako Shark

Mr Brown's weekly message

Still image for this video

Monday 1st June 2020


Hello and welcome to a new week, a new term and a new topic! I hope you all had a lovely half term, wasn't the weather fantastic!

The Blue Abyss takes us under the ocean and through the seas. Every day I will be sending you a new sea creature to add to your fact files, and this week it's all about sharks.


Shark of the day.


Well we have to start with the most famous of them all.....The Great White Shark!

Fearsom, hungry and dangerous...or are they? Find out some facts for me, how big do they grow? how do they have babies? What do they eat? What do they not like to eat? Which oceans can they be found in? Why do they have such a scary reputation?

Go wild in your research. Tell me all about them.

The Great White Shark

The Blue abyss. Knowledge organiser

The Blue abyss Literacy week 1

Blue abyss topic week 1
