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Friday 22.5.20

Happy Friday everyone!

It is the end of Summer Term 1! Can you believe it? I can’t. Even though we have been in lockdown, it has still gone pretty quickly. I am looking forward to receiving your presentations today of all the fabulous work you have been doing over the last 5 weeks! You should be so proud of yourselves!! J


Challenge: For today, I would like you to rewind your memories back to when we learnt how to make paper aeroplanes at school and tested how far they could fly. Can you design your own paper aeroplane? Think about how to make it streamline so that it can fly further!

Have a brilliant last day of term! Remember to send me your work!
Mrs G-H

Thursday 21.5.29

Good morning! How hot was it yesterday?!

It is nearly the weekend! It is meant to be lovely and warm! Remember to put on your sun cream and sun hats and drink lots of water!


Challenge: Seeing as most of you have been taking part in Joe Wick PE sessions each day, I thought it would be a good idea for you to make a fitness routine and put your family through their paces. It can include any exercises you like. Think of all the skills you have learnt in PE at school.


I hope you have a fabulous day!
Mrs G-H

Wednesday 20.5.20

Good Morning!


Where are you all?? You have been very quiet this week, I hope you are all okay! Can you believe it is half term next week?! Today’s challenge involves movement!


Challenge:  Follow the link and take part in some ‘Wakka Wakka’ Just Dance  and ‘Happy’ Just Dance



Mrs G-H

Tuesday 19.5.20
Hello everyone! J


Thank you for sending me pictures of your amazing obstacle courses on Tapestry, they looked like so much fun!!


Challenge: As you were so great at building towers, today I am challenging you to build a den that can fit at least two people in. Make it as wacky and exciting as you can!


I cannot wait to see what you create J
Mrs G-H

Monday 18.5.20
Good morning Reception!

Your work set for this week is attached below :)


It’s the last week of term. Can you believe it?! I received some lovely videos from some of you on Friday which made me smile! Today involves being outside - it is lovely and sunny here.


Challenge: Create an obstacle course in your garden – using anything that you think would make a good course. Make up your own rules and teach someone else in your household to complete your obstacle course!


Have fun! I can't wait to see the pictures!! :)
Mrs G-H


Still image for this video

Week 5 home learning eyfs

Friday 15.5.20
Happy Friday Class 1!


One week left of this term! It has gone so fast. I have been so impressed with your learning and have loved the pictures you have sent me via email or on Tapestry. I’m glad you enjoyed the yoga again! I thought that today it would be nice for you to make a video message for your friends/family.


Challenge: Using a phone, Ipad/Tablet create a video message which can be shared with family/friends/teachers about your experience of lock down/home learning/what you have been doing.


I hope you enjoy this challenge J

Mrs G-H

Some pictures from week 4 home learning

Thursday 14.5.20
Good morning Class 1 :)


I hope you enjoyed making playdough. I love making homemade playdough, but it doesn’t always turn out like it should! Yours looked fabulous! Today’s challenge involves exercise! But don’t sweat it – it’s a great activity.

Challenge: As most of you enjoyed the Pokémon yoga, I thought why not do another one? This time it is a Trolls yoga. Follow the link -


Have fun!
Mrs G-H

Wednesday 13.5.20
Happy hump day! (It’s the middle of the school week)


WOW, WOW, WOW – how amazing were your towers and shadow drawings? Some of them were so tall and looked so strong!! You are so creative! Today’s challenge involves a little mess!

Challenge: Make your own soft dough for model making using the following method. Mix 8 tbsp plain flour with 2 tbsp table salt. Add 60ml warm water, food colouring and 1 tbsp vegetable oil. Mix everything together carefully and start modelling.

Have fun – what can you make with your home made playdough?

Mrs G-H

Tuesday 12.5.20

Dzień Dobry (good morning in Polish)

Week 4 of the Summer term already!! I forgot to mention yesterday -  It was so lovely to see what some of you had created for VE day – such a special day to remember. Today’s challenge needs the sunshine, but can be done with a torch.


Challenge: Shadow Play - Place a toy on paper or card in a sunny spot. Draw around your toy’s shadow at different times of the day. Label the time on each drawing. Investigate and record what happens to the shape, position and size of the shadow over time. If the sun doesn’t come out, use a torch and put it at different angles to see if the shadow looks the same or is different.

Remember to upload onto Tapestry! :)
Mrs G-H

Monday 11.5.20

Bom Dia! (good morning in Portuguese)

It's Monday again! Your work for this week is in a document below :) You will be learning all about the Amazon Rainforest!


This term is going so fast! I hope that you are all ok today. It really does make me smile when I receive your emails or pictures on Tapestry. There are still a few of you I haven’t heard from though! Take a look at what your friends have been doing on each of the class page pictures for Class 1. Today’s challenge is all about construction and building!

Challenge: Toppling Towers - Make free-standing towers using a range of materials including boxes, construction kits or recycled items. What is the tallest tower you can make? Which tower is the sturdiest?


I am looking forward to seeing your towers! Make sure you measure them in any way that you can J

Mrs G-H

week 4 Home learning EYFS

Friday 8.5.20
Καλημέρα Kaliméra! (Good morning in Greek)

I hope you created some lovely bird baths? 

 Today is VE day so I thought that it would be nice for you to learn about what VE day is.

Challenge: Research VE day and create a poster about it or some bunting. Here is a link that will take you to a number of resources for VE day.

I look forward to seeing what you create and find out about VE day!
Mrs G-H

Home learning and challenges

Thursday 7.5.20
おはようございます Ohayōgozaimasu (good morning in Japanese).

Wow! Some of you sent me some fabulous drawing yesterday! Well done J
It has been lovely weather the last few days! I hope it stays sunny and warm. I started painting the fence again - it takes so long!
Are you looking forward to today’s challenge? I am!

Challenge: Bird Bathers - Make a bird bath using a shallow container and stones or gravel. Investigate and observe the birds that visit your bath. What do they do? Can you name and draw your favourite birds? The RSPB has a useful website to help you with identification.

I am looking forward to seeing all your different bird baths.
Mrs G-H

Annabelle's Amazing Rainforest!

Still image for this video

Wednesday 6.5.20
Bonjour! (Hello in French)


How great was the challenge yesterday? Which Pokémon was your favourite? Mine was Charmander! Today’s challenge needs to use things from inside your house.


Challenge: Still Life - Collect interesting objects from around your house. Look for things like vases, balls, toys, fruit and flowers. Set your objects out on a table and use pencils or paint to draw them.


I can’t wait to see your drawings,
Mrs G-H

Tuesday 5.5.20
Hallo (hello in German)


Did you enjoy the challenge yesterday? It was interesting to see the difference in population sizes in the countries around the world. There are still some of you who haven’t sent me anything on tapestry yet. Please try and update it as often as you can :)


Challenge: Today is a nice relaxing challenge. I would like you to take part in some Cosmic Yoga. If you click the link, it will take you to a 20 minute clip of Pokémon Yoga! I had a go yesterday! It was lots of fun!

Have fun J
Mrs G-H


Monday 4.5.20
Hola! (Hello in Spanish) Work for this week is in a document below!


I hope that you are all ok and had a lovely weekend? I can’t believe we are into week 3 of the summer term can you?! Hopefully the weather will be a little better and warmer this week

Challenge: Have a look at the following website if you scroll down, you can click on the countries to find a live population. I would like you to pick a country of your choice, create the flag and find out the population. Why did you choose that country?

Mrs G-H

Reception home learning week 2

Friday 1.5.20
Buenos Dias (good morning in Spanish)

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s challenge. I have had some great feedback and pictures! 


Challenge: Today I would like you to think about different things people celebrate including events in their own lives. Can you create your own celebration? You can choose to do it anyway you like... have a birthday party/wedding/mini carnival etc...


I can’t wait to see your pieces!
Mrs G-H

Thursday 30.4.20
Good Morning! I hope that you are okay today :)


Each day a new challenge will be uploaded onto your class page. Make sure you email me any pictures of your challenge and for those of you who haven’t uploaded to tapestry or emailed me yet please do!


Challenge: Choose a Brazilian animal to look at in more detail. Draw it and have a go at labeling the parts of its body. 


I look forward to seeing what animal you choose!
Mrs G-H

Wednesday 29.4.20

Hi Reception!

I hope that you are enjoying the work this week so far! I have really enjoyed seeing all your learning to our new Brazil topic! Keep the pictures coming :)

It's been very wet and rainy here last night. I wonder when you go on your daily walk, can you find any puddles to jump and splash around in? Make sure you wear your wellies and water proofs though! If you do make sure your grown ups take lots of pictures to send to me :)

Mrs G-H

Good evening... I have  a special message for you from Mrs Allan.... 


Hi everyone - I hope you are able to login to and use charanga! If you have any issues send me an email

And I can help you get started! For those of you that have been on already, well done I can see the time you have spent completing your tasks. 

I have recently added a folder which contains some singing assembly songs. After you have logged in, go to assignments and you should see the singing assembly songs. Most of them you will know however there are 2 that you don't know so have a go at learning them and we can look at them when we return to school. 😊 stay safe, 
Mrs Allan

Pictures from Reception home learning

Week 2 27.4.20

Hello Reception!

I hope that you have had a lovely weekend, it's been nice and warm. I have been continuing with renovating the garden with Mr G-H. It is a lot of hard work! But I am enjoying it :) I have also enjoyed seeing what you have been up to and responding to your posts on Tapestry. I look forward to what you get up to and post this week. This weeks home learning is in the document below. I thought it would be easier for it to be all in one document than be separate. I hope you enjoy what I've planned for you! :) I look forward to seeing your learning.

Stay safe, 

Mrs G-H

TERM 5 WEEK 1 20.4.20

Hello Class 1!

I hope that you have had a lovely Easter. It is a strange feeling getting ready for going back to school, but not actually going into school! I have really enjoyed seeing your work over the last few weeks. You are all doing an amazing job! I am going to upload a short message from myself to you all :)

Remember to stay safe.

Mrs G-H

Information about Summer term!

Still image for this video


Summer Term Week 1 20.4.20


Focus on the numbers 14, 15 and 16.
Watch the Numberblocks episodes on bbc iplayer





Can you recognise objects of these numbers and number cards?

Can you find this number on a number line?

What numbers add together to make the totals of 14,15 and 16?

What is one more/one less than?

Can you write the numbers?

What number can you subtract?


Also have a look at the White Rose resources - see link below - this supports how we teach Maths in school. 



Listen to the following story A trip to the Rain forest:


What animals can you remember that you saw in the rain forest?

Can you make a list?

Use your phonics knowledge to help you sound out.


Please practice the tricky words from the link:

Can you use any of the tricky words in sentences? Upload onto Tapestry for me to see!


Continue practising the sounds from ph2 and ph3.

How many words can you read and sound out from the 100 HFW list?


Understanding the World:

Listen to music from South America and create own sounds with handmade instruments.

Use any objects/recycling/food from around the house or garden to create your own instrument.


Expressive Art and Design:


Where is Brazil?

What is the capital of Brazil?


Can you locate Brazil and the capital on a map?

Can you name the capital?


I would like you to make the Brazilian flag using any resources you have. Please upload it to Tapestry when finished.

Week 2 30.3.20

Hello Reception!

It has been lovely to hear from some of you over the last week. I hope that you have settled into your new home-learning and enjoying learning with your siblings/grown ups. Here are some activities I have set for this week :)



Please practice the tricky words from the link:
Can you use any of the tricky words in sentences? Upload onto Tapestry for me to see!

I have uploaded a phonics login and password on the
Please practice from  phase 2 and 3 sounds and words. Have a go at buried treasure this week too.



Anything you do please load it onto tapestry so I can see what fabulous learning you have been doing at home. There is also the tapestry grid that I sent home with a number of activities to upload onto tapestry.



Focus on  the numbers 11 ,12 and 13. Watch the Numberblocks episodes on bbc iplayer





Can you recognise objects of these numbers and number cards?

Can you find this number on a number line?

What numbers add together to make the totals of 8,9 and 10?

What is one more/one less than?

Can you write the numbers?

What number can you subtract?


Also have a look at the White Rose resources - see link below - this supports how we teach Maths in school. 



If y ou have any LEGO at home, I would like you to have a go at the 30 day LEGO challenge. It doesn't mean you have to complete one each day. Just as and when. Follow this link:



I would like you to continue practise writing your full name and having a go at constructing a basic sentence each day. For example: I had some bread. The dog is black. (Try and include some of the tricky words youw ill be learning).

Children will use their phonics knowledge to spell the words and spell them as they sound.



Keep reading or listening to a grown up or brother/sister read. I would love to see you reading on Tapestry if possible :)


I look forward to hearing from you again throughout the week.

Stay safe :)

Mrs G-H


Week 1 23.3.20


Hi Reception! I hope that you have had a fab weekend. I have set some activities for you to do this week.



I have uploaded a phonics login and password on the
Please practice from  phase 2 and 3 sounds and words. Have a go at buried treasure this week too.



Anything you do please load it onto tapestry so I can see what fabulous learning you have been doing at home. There is also the tapestry grid that I sent home with a number of activities to upload onto tapestry.



Focus on  the numbers 8 ,9 and 10. Watch the Numberblocks episodes on bbc iplayer





Can you recognise objects of these numbers and number cards?

Can you find this number on a number line?

What numbers add together to make the totals of 8,9 and 10?

What is one more/one less than?

Can you write the numbers?

What number can you subtract?


Also have a look at the White Rose resources - see link below - this supports how we teach Maths in school. 



I would like you to practise writing your full name and having a go at constructing a basic sentence each day. For example: I had some bread. The dog is black.

Children will use their phonics knowledge to spell the words and spell them as they sound.



Keep reading or listening to a grown up or brother/sister read.


Remember email me if you need to!

Mrs G-H x

