Welcome to Tealby School. We are a distinctive primary school in the Lincolnshire Wolds village of Tealby. We hope you enjoy looking at our website
Home Page

General Information

School Hours and School Lunch

Breakfast Club starts at 7.45am 

Classes 3 and 4 arrive at 8.40am and register is taken promptly at 8.50am. 

Class 2 arrive at 8.45am and register is taken promptly at 8.55am.

Class 1 arrive at 8.50am and register is taken promptly at 9am.


The end of the day:

Classes 3 and 4 - 3.05pm

Class 2  - 3.10pm

Class 1 - 3.15pm


**We will be holding a consultation on our start/end times in the Spring Term ahead of new legislation in 2023.


Lunch is from 12.00pm until 1.00pm for KS1 and 12.15pm - 1pm for KS2.


Children may have a hot meal, bring a packed lunch or go home for lunch. Please ensure that packed lunches are brought to school in a secure container labelled with the child’s name. We recommend that an ice pack is included to ensure appropriate food hygiene.

We are a Healthy School, promoting healthy eating and as such urge parents to ensure that the lunches they provide support this. Please let the school administrator know if your child is eligible for free school meals so that arrangements can be made to provide them.



Children in KS1 are given a piece of fruit each day at morning break through the Governments Fruit in Schools scheme and KS2 children are allowed to bring a fruit snack to eat at this time, if they wish.


School uniform

We encourage a sense of belonging to the school by having a recommended school uniform. Items marked * can be obtained from the school office.


Please ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled with your child’s name.


* Royal blue waterproof (fleece lined) coat £15.95

* Royal blue school fleece, from £8.50

*Royal blue sweatshirt £7.50

* Royal blue school cardigan  £8.80

* White or pale blue shirt, blouse or polo shirt, from £5.50

* School PE polo shirt from £8.95

* School navy shorts from £1.50

Grey trousers, skirt or pinafore

Grey or white socks

Black or blue shoes


Summer term options

Grey shorts

Blue check or striped dresses

Sun hats


Trainers, high heels,open-toed sandals or slip-on shoes are not suitable for school.


PE and Games Kit

Navy sports shorts

School PE polo shirt

Black plimsolls and/or trainers


For outdoor PE

Navy sports shorts or jogging bottoms

School PE  polo shirt



PE kit should be brought in a drawstring bag and left on your child’s peg or in their locker.



For Health and Safety reasons children are not allowed to wear any jewellery in school other than a small pair of stud earrings.


Lost Property

Naming clothing reduces the risk of Lost Property, however, we often have unclaimed ‘lost’ clothing. Please check the Lost Property regularly to see if your child has mislaid anything. Lost Property is displayed at the end of the school year and anything that remains unclaimed at this time is donated to a charity shop.



Unfortunately headlice are a perennial problem in any school. We ask that you check your child’s hair regularly to help keep them at bay. Please inform us in confidence if you spot a problem so we can alert all parents. Advice on appropriate treatment is available on the Parent’s notice board. The School Nurse can also be consulted for advice.


Returning to school after illness

When returning to school after an illness, children should be fit and able to participate in all activities including outdoor games and playtimes. There may of course need to be exceptions to this rule, but if you are in doubt, please contact the school for advice.


First Aid

The named Paediatric First Aiders who administer  First Aid in school when necessary are Mrs Adams, Mrs Nicholls, Mrs Pearcy, Miss Brown and Mr Brown. Parents will be contacted and informed after an accident if the First Aider deems it necessary. Bumps on the head are always reported to parents. Accidents are also recorded in the school Accident Book.



Staff are not allowed to routinely administer any medicines to children in school.  Penicillin is not allowed in school because we have staff and children with allergies. However, an exception is made for asthma inhalers, Epipens and Calpol. In this case all staff will be trained to administer the medication. Parental permission and dates and times of administration of medicines will be recorded, dated and signed and kept in the Administration of Medicines file in the school office.


Emergency contact information

Please ensure that all contact information is up-to -date and that you have supplied the name and telephone number of someone who can be contacted in an emergency if parents are not available.


Smoking Policy

Tealby is a Healthy School and as such is a ‘No Smoking’ site. We ask all parents and visitors to respect this policy.


Transport and Road Safety

Children travelling to school from Walesby and other surrounding villages should be entitled to free transport to school. Please address enquiries about school transport to the school office.


The safety of the children is paramount, so we ask parents bringing children to school by car to respect this agreement. Additional parking is available at the Village Hall.


Health and Safety

The School’s Health and Safety representative is Mrs Humberstone and the Health and Safety Governor is Mr Peter Dixon.
