Welcome to Tealby School. We are a distinctive primary school in the Lincolnshire Wolds village of Tealby. We hope you enjoy looking at our website
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Outdoor Learning

Outdoor Learning is a very important part of our provision at Tealby School. We aim to use natural outdoor areas to encourage children to develop independence, use their imagination, take appropriate risks within supportive boundaries and initiate learning for themselves. 


We take our curriculum outdoors wherever we can to encrich our children's learning experiences. At Tealby School we use our outdoor spaces such as our school playground, our field and Class One's Outdoor Area to enhance our children's learning environment. Our spaces are used for investigataions, sports, exploration and much more!


Each year group has the opportunity to take part in our off-site Forest School, a holistic approach to learning which incorporates children's individuality developing skills for lifelong learning. It covers all areas of learning, including the emotional and spiritual aspects of learning where self esteem and self confidence can grow and positive relationships with others can be formed. Forest School allows children to explore the outdoors and the natural environment with a range of practical, useful activities all year round.



Using our imagination, playing in the natural environment and learning about nature. 

Children in EYFS and Year 1 spend a lot of time in the Class 1 outdoor area exploring the environment and developing a wide range of skills. 




Working together to learn useful skills and learn about nature.





Learning useful skills




Building and securing shelters.


Survival skills and increasing independence.
