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Outdoor learning week 7

Seasonal senses

This week we went back to where we started and got the blindfolds out again.

There were two tables prepared with three each of things to taste, smell and touch. With the sense of sight being removed, the children had to listen to their unblindfolded partner, who guided them to what they were experiencing. 
Lots of chatter and fun, the children made some good guesses of what they were feeling, smelling and tasting. Some things confused them, they were unsure of what Thyme was, a few guessed correctly. The Rosemary fronds were thought to be evergreen leaves until I suggested squeezing and smelling them. The cranberries, plum jam, blackberries and pear were enjoyed, the ground cinnamon not so much! A lot of children really liked the smell of the burnt wood and the raspberries.

Lots of children tried foods that they said they wouldn’t have tried usually, and they liked it! 
A lot of fun on a wild windy Wednesday.
