Welcome to Tealby School. We are a distinctive primary school in the Lincolnshire Wolds village of Tealby. We hope you enjoy looking at our website
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Children spend seven years in their primary school and each age group is classified as follows:

4-5 years old    Foundation Stage

5-6 years old    Year 1

6-7 years old    Year 2

7-8 years old    Year 3

8-9 years old    Year 4

9-10 years old   Year 5

10-11 years old  Year 6


The number of children on the school roll and the number of children in each year group govern the arrangement of the classes which can change from year to year.


Class sizes are kept as balanced as they can be, and within each class pupils are taught individually, as a group or as a whole class as appropriate. The particular needs and abilities of each child are always addressed.


All children aged between 5 and 11 study the National Curriculum which is incorporated into the school’s own curriculum. Reception children follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which develops the foundations of all future learning by fostering and promoting children’s development in six key areas.

Year 1 and 2 follow the Key Stage 1 programmes of study and Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 follow the Key Stage 2 programmes of study.
