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Class 3 - Term 6

Happy holidays from Mrs haslam

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On Friday 17th July, we said our final goodbyes to our Year 6's; traditionally the children read a speech in church but this year this wasn't possible so we have created a video to share the speeches with you instead. There are also some photos to remind them of their time at Tealby School.

You can watch this year's leavers assembly here:

Friday 17th July 


Good morning, 

Well today is a day that is always one of mixed feelings, today we will be saying our formal goodbyes to our incredible Year 6's.  This is always a day full of fun, laughter and often tears!  A day when we think back over their time at Tealby School and remember all the different teachers they have had, the friends they have made and the experiences that have helped to shape them into the incredible, resilient people that they are today.  They might not think it yet, but they are ready for their next steps to secondary school but before that, we need to celebrate their time with us.  


I'm looking forward to their leavers assembly (again - fingers crossed that the technology works) and being able to present them with the leavers certificates and who will receive which trophies!!!


For Year 5's - this will all be put on here afterwards so you will be able to share in their achievements - this is what you are aspiring to achieve! 



Have a great day, I'm looking forward to it.  

See you all soon. 

Mrs Haslam x

Thursday 16th July 


Good morning,  


Ok so my weather forecast for yesterday was rather wrong - it rained (torrentially!).  It was lovely to catch up with the Year 5's yesterday on our Meet.  Who knew we had so many animals between us - and I know we didn't see all of them!  Today I'm popping to see the Year 6's for a few minutes in school and I'm looking forward to that too.  


Have a great day - try to read something and get some exercise today - it's definitely going to be drier today! 



Keep smiling, 

Mrs Haslam 


Wednesday 15th July 


Good morning, 


Today is going to be a GOOD day - several exciting things - it's going to be sunny!  I'm going to see some of your happy faces - that makes it a GREAT day!    


Year 5 - today we get to use Google Classrooms, we'll be able to join a Meet and chat about lots of things: next year, what you've done in lockdown, any worries you have, ask any questions.......  Hopefully you'll have lots to tell us as we really have missed you. 


Year 6 - not long until you get the chance to see each other on Thursday and Friday too, lots of exciting things to do.  I'm putting your leavers assembly together - it's going to be a good one!  

One thing - I've only had 3 letters and two pieces of art - are you bringing these to school on Thursday if you haven't sent me them - that would be awesome if you could - get drawing/painting/writing! 



See you all soon, in one way or another. 

Mrs Haslam x 

Tuesday 14th July


Good morning, 

How are we all today?  So school is still closed due to a water leak, this means you are all WORKING at home - right?


Year 6 - I have had some amazing letters from Year 6 - you have nailed those words of wisdom for Year 5 next year - we need more though!!  Also Year 6, please get your baby photos sent to me - I've had a few but not many!  


Year 5 - I've sent the joining details for Google Classroom to your parents - please log on and check your log on works - I won't be able to change anything tomorrow if you wait and realise you can't get on!  If your parents haven't sent me the agreement back - ask them nicely to do that before the end of the day, if I haven't received it - you can't join!  That would make me sad as I would love to see you all.  


Keep going, nearly there! BUT we haven't finished yet - some of you seem to have gone on an early summer holiday!!  Please get some work done and to me before Friday! 


Today's positive thought of the day: 


Thank you and see you soon, 

Mrs Haslam. 



Mrs Haslam’s Weekly Message

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Monday 13th July


So we have made it through to the final week of this academic year - now what a year it has been!!  Certainly not what we had anticipated when we all sat together in the classroom in September!  I've seen some incredible dedication and work from many of you, I've heard tales of helpfulness, kindness and I know some of you have learnt life skills that you'll never forget.  Every single one of you has done your best during this time, not everyone has managed all of the work, we'll sort that in September!  We're going to have to work hard when we are back at school, so during this holiday - keep your brains active - READ, your bodies healthy - EXERCISE AND FRESH AIR and most importantly stay SAFE.  


Year 6 - please get your baby photos sent in to me, Mrs Matthews is keen to sort the game she has planned.  Enjoy your two days in school on Thursday and Friday. 


Year 5 - don't forget to ask your parents to send the Google Classroom permission form in and join me on Wednesday at 1 for a chat and a meet with your friends. 


So for now... here's the final set of work for you to do this week - I'll get bored if I don't have anything to see this week!! 


Stay safe, 

Mrs Haslam x

Year 5 Work for Term 6 Week 7

Year 6 Work for Term 6 Week 7

Friday 10th July 


So the final day of Sports Week - have you joined in?  Was it fun?  Who's going to win?????  If you haven't had a go yet - there's still time, I'm going to collect the final scores by 4.30 today and announce the winner after that, so what are you waiting for????



Year 5: the link for today's English is here:


Today's positive thought: 


Have a great day 

Mrs Haslam 

Thursday 9th July 


Good morning, another damp day... we made it out last night on a bike ride, the plants have gone mad! They have had enough water now! So sports week is going well... better in classes 1 and 2... red team have overtaken the blue team.. it’s a close fight at the top between green and yellow. 
I’m hoping that we have better internet and IT today, everything either needed updating or stopped working yesterday so fingers crossed 🤞🏻 things improve today! 

Year 5 the link to today’s bite size:


Today's positive thought: 


Have a great day

Mrs Haslam 


Wednesday 8th July 


Good morning, 

I had such a lovely day yesterday, popping to see some of you to film your leavers speeches.  I haven't  been out very often to see people so catching up with so many of you was lovely - even driving my car felt very weird!  Luckily I haven't forgotten how to drive it - phew! I'm going to see a few more of you today and I'm looking forward to that too.  


I've seen a few of you having a go at the sports day activities - RED team - come on, please have a go and send me some scores - your score is looking really sad!  Green and Yellow are still fighting for the top spot but Blue you are catching up.  The rest of the activities do not involve water (unless it rains and I can't stop that happening wink).


Today's sports activities are: 




Today's positive Mindset Thought:

Tuesday 7th July 


Good morning,  have you had a go at the sports day events yet - there's two new ones today (nothing to stop you doing four activities today if you haven't done any yet!).  If you are in red team - they need you!!!  It's a close one between yellow and green teams.  



Have a great day. 

Here's your positive thought for the day: 


Monday 6th July 


Good morning, 

I hope you all had a great weekend.  I'm looking forward to this week - Virtual Sports Week.  Sports Day is such a fun day in our school calendar it seemed a shame to ignore it because we are at home, so I have spent quite a while sorting out activities that I think that you will enjoy.  They are easy to set up - even I managed it and require very little equipment.  You can do as many activities as you like - the more you do, the more points you get for your house.  Who won last year?????  Who will win this year???

Please join in and HAVE FUN doing it!  

Looking forward to seeing your photos/videos.


Mrs Haslam x 


Today's positive mindset thought: 

Mrs Haslam’s weekly message

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Term 6 - Week 6


Only two more weeks of home learning, then it's officially the summer holidays!  Wow, this time at home has gone so fast.  So many of you have been really busy and I'm really impressed with the work that you have done.  Let's keep it going for the next two weeks so that we all deserve our summer break.  


Year 5

This week in Literacy you are going to be learning Shakespeare!  Use the bitesize website and watch the videos.  

Year 5 Timetable of work for week 6

Year 6 Timetable of work for week 6

Friday 3rd July 


Good morning - it's Friday - AGAIN!  It's also raining AGAIN!!  Ok so it's July, it's a weekend where we need some sunshine please!!  I'm sure it'll dry off later and we'll be able to enjoy some time outside this weekend at some point.  


Year 6 - thank you to everyone who has sent me their leavers speeches - they are lovely and I can't wait to film them and put them together for everyone to see.  We're about half way there so if I haven't seen yours yet please get them to me by the end of today.  Also I've heard from 3 of you about good times to pop and visit next week, I need to sort a timetable out so if you could let me know as soon as you can that would be great too.  


Year 5 - I've only seen one person's writing from this week - this was fantastic Annabel, thank you.  You are an absolute superstar.  Only two weeks to go, don't give up!  Keep going! 


Have a great weekend, enjoy some lovely family time. 

Stay safe,

Mrs Haslam x 


Today's positive mindset thought: 

Thursday 2nd July 


Good morning, yes it's raining again - yesterday turned out quite nice in the end and we managed a bike round in the woods.  It's so good to get out in the fresh air.  Fingers crossed the rain will stop and we can go for a walk later today.  


Year 6 - I've had 5 drafts of leavers speeches, please try and get them to me by the end of today (or by tomorrow at the latest).  I'll be contacting you all later to arrange a socially distanced visit for you to read the speeches out to me.  I'm very excited at being able to go and meet up to 6 people in a garden when the rules change on Monday.  

Year 5 - Where is your writing????  Hopefully I'll see some of that today or tomorrow. 


Have a great day, 

Mrs Haslam x


Today's positive mindset thought: 

Latest AWESOME work

Wednesday 1st July 


Well hello July!  July = summer, why is it raining????  Fingers crossed we'll be able to get out later for a bike ride, fresh air is so important to our mental health right now.  

I have to say thank you to everyone who got in touch yesterday - it really was lovely to hear from so many of you, you haven't all disappeared thank goodness! Phew! 


Have a great day, 

Mrs Haslam x


Today's growth mindset thought: 

Tuesday 30th June 


Woah - the last day of June!!  Time is flying!  It was rather quiet yesterday, just hearing from just two of you... where have you all gone?????  


Year 6, how are those speeches coming along - when you read it, don't let it be longer than 2 minutes, so the speech doesn't actually need to be that long.  Quality not quantity!  



Hopefully I'll hear from a few more of you today. 

Have a good day. 

Mrs Haslam x 


Today's growth mindset thought: 

Monday 29th June 


Good morning and welcome to a new week!  This week we have split the work so Year 5 and 6 are doing something different - look carefully and make sure that you are doing the right work.  Year 6, this is the most important piece of work that I have asked you to do since we went into lockdown - hopefully I'll be seeing you all you Year 6's in real life next week so I can film your leavers speeches.  


Let's have a positive mindset - don't forget - the hardest work means the best learning - when you find it hard - you ARE LEARNING!  If it's easy - you're not!  


Have a great week. 

Mrs Haslam x 


Growth Mindset 

What is growth mindset - growth mindset is having the belief that hard work and perseverance and resilience is the key to success. YOU are in control of your success.  

Everyone - and I mean everyone, can improve their mindset, there are several ways you can do this: 

  • By talking positively to yourself 
  • To be resilient - don't give up, especially when something is hard
  • To persevere - keep going, have another go, don't give up

Over the next few weeks I'm going to add some positive mindset quotes on the website each day for you to think about.  Meanwhile have a think about this: 






Mrs Haslam’s Weekly Message

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Term 6 Week 5

For the rest of the term, Year 5 and Year 6 will be having different work to complete.  Make sure that you are reading the correct work for your year group. 


Year 5

For the final few weeks of term, we are going to be looking at different aspects of the curriculum.  This will cover aspects of the curriculum that we haven’t covered yet, so they aren’t linked in a topic as such, they are stand-alone sessions.  Hopefully you will be able to have a go and share your work with me. 

YEAR 5 Timetable of Work for week 5

Year 6 timetable of work for week 5

Year 6 Resources

Friday 26th June 


Well..... it’s Friday again.. how does that happen?? Blink and the week has gone. There’s only 3 weeks and 2 days to go and still lots to be done. The summer holidays will soon be here and then you can relax from your school work, but for now keep going! All the work that is set is important, you might not get all of it done but you can all get SOME of it done. 

We enjoyed the times table masterclass Yesterday, if you missed it you can watch it on the Go Fish Education Ltd Facebook page. 


Have a great day and enjoy your weekend. 
Mrs Haslam x 

Stop Motion Animations 
I know some of you have had trouble with the stop motion animations as they are too big to email. Amber has put hers onto YouTube .. with help from her mum.

Have a look it’s fantastic. 

Thursday 25th June 


I hope you are all well and working hard! Today there’s a live Masterclass on Facebook, I added a link on the Facebook page yesterday, the event says it’s been cancelled but it hasn’t! They have had to put that because of scammers but it is still going ahead. I know we’ll be giving it a go at 10.30.  You don’t need to enter credit card details to access it just go to the GoFish page to see them live. I hope some of you get to see it as it was great last week, Alfie found it really useful! 

I’m planning the final set of work for you today... is there anything you want to do that we haven’t already?? Let me know! 

Have a great day.... don’t forget SUNCREAM if you are outside, don’t get burnt! 

Mrs Haslam x 

Wednesday 24th June 


Happy Sunny Day!!  Today is going to be a hot one so don't forget your suncream and hat! We're working in the garden today under the umbrella - making the most of the sun and the Vitamin D that it gives us! 


I put lots of fantastic work on the website yesterday so please have a look at what's up there, use the work to help you with your work.


I had a chat with Holly yesterday and she recommended this book for you all to enjoy.  She said that it's a funny book , one of her favourite parts that made Holly laugh was when the main character started to shrink 'to the size of a fishfinger'!  

Here's Holly's book recommendation: 


Have a great day.

Mrs Haslam x 

fantastic work from week 3 and 4

Tuesday 23rd June 


Good morning and what a beautiful morning it is today!  It was good to hear from a few of you yesterday with your work and photos - and just random hi emails too!  We've got this!!  Don't forget it!!!  We've got 4 weeks left (including this week) of the school year - let's keep going until the end, don't give up!!  



Keep going!  We're nearly there!  

Enjoy the sunshine today.

Mrs Haslam x 

Mrs Haslam’s Weekly Message

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Monday 22nd June 


Hope you are all well and you had a lovely weekend. It’s looking like this week is going to be a warm one! Did you have thunderstorms yesterday afternoon, we sat in the garden (undercover) and watched the clouds and lightning overhead! I love a good storm ... there’s usually blue skies afterwards which is exactly what happened yesterday evening! 

I understand some of you are feeling a bit demotivated.... there’s only a few weeks left before the summer holidays... keep going! If you send me your work I’ll look at it and it will be worth the effort.  

I hope you all have a busy and productive week! 

Blood Heart - Term 6 - Week 4


Hello and welcome to the final week of the Skipping a Beat - Blood Heart Topic.  I hope you have enjoyed learning about the heart and what is inside our bodies to keep us alive!  Here's the final set of activities for you to have a go at.  



Timetable of work for Week 4

Video of the Broken Heart Poem

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My Heart

My heart jumped out of my chest

It skipped and ran towards you

It started beating faster

It started smiling more

Until my heart stopped running

My heart got melancholic

Then it stopped moving

My heart has never moved again

Wednesday D&T - Circulatory System Diagram

Innovate Task

Inspiring work from week 3


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Friday 19th June 


Good morning, 

It's FRIDAY!  Yup another week - blink and it's gone! Sunday is officially Midsummer - the longest day with the shortest night, after that the days slowly start to get shorter.  Well the first half of 2020 has certainly been something different!   Next week is the last week of this topic then we are moving on to something a bit different for the last part of the school year!  Eek!  


Recommended Book of the Day


Hope you have a lovely weekend, the weather is starting to warm up again - don't forget your sunblock! 

Mrs Haslam x

Thursday 18th June 


Good morning, 

So the sun has decided to have a day off and has sent the supply teacher - rain instead!  Guess it's a good day to get work finished and focus on tasks that we've been putting off for a rainy day!!  Jamie has created a fantastic ecosphere - I've put it on the Science Challenge page - go have a look at his brilliant timelapse video!   I had several messages from Joe yesterday - and boy has he been busy!    I look forward to receiving your messages today.


If you can, go to the Times table Masterclass at 1030 on Facebook!  I"ve put a link on our school Facebook page...


Recommended Book of the Day


Have a great day, 

Mrs Haslam x

Wednesday 17th June 


Good morning, 

You're being very busy again this week - again lots of fantastic work has come in, I'll get it onto the website later today so people can see what you have been doing.  You really have embraced the anti smoking message - the images that you have found and drawn have certainly been an advert for not smoking!  Keep going - you are doing great!  


Recommended Book of the Day



Have a great day, 

Mrs Haslam x 

Tuesday 16th June


Good morning, 

Hope you are all well.  Did you see the family Science Challenge this week?  I'm getting a bit obsessed with our ecosphere - I've got it in front of me while I'm working and can't stop watching it, I want to see the little creatures swimming around but they are really sneaky!!!  We'll have to return it to where we found it soon, I'll actually be sad to see it go!  Give it a go - it's fascinating! 


Also have a look at the Blue Peter Page, they are doing a badge a week over the summer - this week it's the green badge - can anyone get all 6 badges?

Recommended Book of the Day 


Have a great day, 

Mrs Haslam x

Mrs Haslam’s weekly message term 6 week 3

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Excellent work from Week 2 & 3

Alice's Excellent Piano Playing

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I've uploaded a short extract of Alice playing the piano (I couldn't add the whole video as the file was too big), she's incredible. You can tell that she has been practicing every day! Practice certainly makes perfect!

YEAR 6 transition to secondary school

Monday 15th June 


Good morning, I hope you have had a great weekend - the weather was lovely again yesterday so hopefully you managed to get out in the garden and get some fresh air.  We ate lots of chocolate cake yesterday for Alfie's birthday!  Yum! 

Lots of new work for you this week - don't forget to send it to me, the work that people see on the website are inspiring others - I have many messages saying exactly this.  I have had several people write to me saying X was inspired by what they saw on the website.  However - if you don't want me to put it on just say - if you want to share your work just with me, that's ok too.

Star of the Week was such a lovely part of our week that we have decided to recreate this for home learning - keep your eyes peeled - if you share something excellent you may receive an exciting email surprise! 


Have a good week. 

Mrs Haslam x 


Recommended Book of the Day 


Today Aimee has recommended two different books that she thinks you might enjoy. 

The boy at the back of the class', a story which during the first few chapters tugged on Aimee's naturally empathetic heartstrings. However, it highlights the importance of friendship and compassion - she cannot wait to get to the end 🤗 


After all the Black Lives Matter protests on the news lots of questions and conversations have been had in homes all over the world.  Some of these images are very upsetting and Mr and Mrs Lazare felt it was important to show Aimee how we need to celebrate the beauty of diversity with stories of hope & love.  So, they have been reading 'Bold Women in Black History'. A wonderfully fascinating little book, full of uplifting stories of achievements beyond expectations.


Thank you Aimee and the rest of your family for these fantastic recommendations. 



Friday 12th June


Good morning, 

It's nearly the weekend - AGAIN!    The rain is still falling and the grass is certainly greener than it was last weekend!  We're going to brave the rain and go for a walk to do my son's Science homework - it involves wading in a stream so I'm sure we'll get wet anyway!    We've got another lockdown birthday this weekend so more baking is needed to be done later on today!  What are your plans this weekend?


I hope you are enjoying this topic - it's only a short one so we're halfway through already!  I'm planning the next one this week, I hope you'll find this one fun too! 


Recommended Book of the Day


Have a great weekend. 

Mrs Haslam x 


Thursday 11th June 


Good morning, 

Hope you are all well - are we fed up of the rain yet?  I suppose it makes getting your work done easier when you aren't tempted by the warm weather and the sunshine.  This seems to be the case as I've had lots of work sent to me over the last couple of days; I think I've got it all on the website too!   


How are your sunflowers getting on?  Surprisingly mine are still alive!  I haven't put them all outside yet as I'm convinced I'll kill them - the ones I did plant outside are alive but not doing as well as the ones inside. 


Book Recommendation of the Day 


Have a good day - stay dry! 

Mrs Haslam x

Wednesday 10th June 


Good morning, 

Well I was woken up this morning at 6am with the rain hammering on the window outside - it sounded more like the middle of winter rather than June!  Emma sent me some lovely photos yesterday - you can see them below - she found a baby blue tit and she's been looking after it.  Some of you have been back into school this week and a couple more are heading there either later this week or next week - how has that been?  I know Mr Brown is doing a great job.  I really miss school, I miss your happy faces, I miss the way you make me laugh every day, I even miss the way you make me frustrated when you give up or won't stop chatting! Seeing your work and photos really does remind me how amazing you all are. 


Recommended Book of the Day

Have you read anything good recently - let me know!  What would you recommend for your friends to read?


Keep working hard, keep trying, don't give up. 

Stay safe, 

Mrs Haslam 


Contact Mrs Haslam

Send me a message through the website rather than email - is this easier?

Tuesday 9th June 


Good morning, 

I can see blue skies out there today - looks like a good day for getting some fresh air.  After my walk through the cow field on Sunday, I decided to go on my bike with Alfie yesterday instead - it seems safer! I'm sure I've said it before, but we are so lucky to live in Lincolnshire - so many green, open spaces to explore.  Have you noticed that there's definitely more cars on the road so if you are out on your bike you have to be really careful.  We often do the same walks and looking back on photos that I have taken, you can can really see the change in seasons.  Fields that were being ploughed back in March are now full of wheat and barley - all these changes that we are actually lucky enough to see if we look hard enough. Keep your eyes open - what can you see today?


Please go to Education City - there is a lot of new learning on there for everyone to do!


Recommended Book of the Day 


Have a great day, 

Mrs Haslam x 

Mrs Haslam’s Weekly message 8.6.20

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Monday 8th June 


I hope you have all had a great weekend; it makes it a bit harder to stay inside and entertained when it's raining. We've had some really strange weather this weekend - we had such a huge hailstorm it looked like it had been snowing!  Hard to believe it is June!  


I've put this week's work onto the website - below here.  I have had such a lot of excellent work sent to me this week - each week I'll create a gallery and add to it each day.  Keep your eyes peeled to see if you can spot your work.  


Recommended Book of the Day 


Today the recommendation comes from Annabel - thank you this is very much appreciated. 

Chaya can walk her way out of anything- except stealing the Queens jewels. Even if she has the best of reasons...

So she escapes on the half of a stolen elephant and leads her friends on a jungle adventure, Where leeches lurk and revolution is stirring.

And this gives Chaya an idea. Maybe she can leave her village a thief but return a hero?


Have a great day.

Mrs Haslam x 


by the way... I chose cows 🐄.....  they were all sheltering under the trees so all was good! 

Friday 5th June 


Good afternoon, 

Apologies for the late blog - I'm not sure where today has gone!  Do you agree that the time is just flying by - it's Friday already!  I have had some fantastic work from you this week and I've even had a couple of emails just chatting and saying hi - I like these as it's the closest we can get to actually having a face to face chat!   You are doing really well with this topic and I can't wait to see where it takes us next week. 

I'm trying to get all your work onto the website - please let me know if I miss yours out - it's not intentional - I'm using so many devices that things get saved in different places so I might miss it (I'll try really hard not to!).


Recommended Book of the Day:

I've chosen this as it's a bit different - a graphic novel - more pictures than words but tells the story beautifully. 


Have a great weekend.

Take care, 

Mrs Haslam x

Friday Assembly - 9.30am

Please have a look at this really important assembly on the NSPCC facebook page:


Thursday 4th June 


Good morning, 

Hope you are all well today.  Wow!  I think this topic seems to have got your interest, I've had so many amazing pieces of work from you already - have a look at the gallery below to see if your work is there (if it isn't let me know - I want to share as much as possible!). If you haven't done the heart poster yet, have a look at what your friends have been doing - use their ideas to help you get started - we all love a magpie! 


Have a great day. 

Mrs Haslam x



Book Recommendation of the Day 

I know we started this and I think it's a brilliant book - which is why it's my recommendation today!  Has anyone managed to finish it?  What did you think?  Was it better than the film (books usually are!)?

Wednesday 3rd June 


Good morning, 

The weather has changed today and it's raining here - I don't mind that as the grass and plants certainly need a good water - after this rain the grass will come back lovely and green (I hope!).  That's a bit like us after a break from learning - we tackle the new tasks with more energy and enthusiasm than before.  I've certainly seen that this week - I've already had some great posters of the heart.  


Book Recommendation of the Day

Have you read any good books recently?  If you have any you can recommend for your friends please let me know - even if it's just a title.  In the meantime here's one I think you'd enjoy: 





Skipping a Beat - Work from Week 1


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Tuesday 2nd June 


Good morning, hope you are all well. Yesterday saw a bit of a change in the lockdown rules and we are now able to see a few more people in a safe, socially distanced way... have  you now seen family members that you’ve not seen for ages?  I know a few of you are going to school today - I hope you have a great day, Mr Brown is really looking forward to seeing you. 
What are your thoughts on the new topic? Did you watch the dissection video... what did you think... did you say yuck at any point??  I’ve  already had an amazing heart diagram sent in by Emma. 

Have a great day. 
Mrs Haslam x 



By Amber Black





If you have a book recommendation please send it to me and I’ll share it with the class 📚💞


Monday 1st June


Good morning, 

I hope you have all had a lovely half term.  We've been so lucky with the weather and the sun has been shining.  

This term we have a new topic - I've decided to keep the topics short this term so this first one will last for just 4 weeks - then we'll move onto something different.  The title of the topic for the first half of the term is 'Skipping a Beat - Blood Heart'.  In this topic we will be learning all about the heart, the circulatory system and how to keep our heart healthy.  At the end, if you are able to/want to, there's the chance to do your own fundraising event for a charity close to your heart!


I've created a quiz for you too - have a go at it before the topic then do it again at the end - be honest, there are things thaty you'll know already and lots you won't at the start.  Here are the quiz, curriculum newsletter and the knowledge organiser for you: 

TERM 6 - WEEK 1 - Skipping a Beat: Blood Heart


This term I will set  the work our in a slightly different way, each week I will put the maths onto the website as before but the rest of the work will be on one document, set out in a timetable - you don't have to do it exactly in this order, but the timetable may help you organise your time.  Don't forget to keep logging onto Education City, Charanga and TT Rockstars.





Still image for this video

I hope you are looking forward to our new topic - I've enjoyed planning it and trying to make it as exciting as I can under the circumstances .


I hope you have a great week and don't forget to message me if you need anything - I'm here at the end of an email at any time to try and help. 


Please send me your work - it cheers me up and makes my day hearing from you all. 


Stay safe, Mrs Haslam x

